The Eye, the Light, and God’s Death

Even on a pitch-dark evening, we can still perceive with our eyes glimmering light particles. Look up in the sky, oh there is the North Star (Polaris)! From there, we can outline the Little Dipper (Ursa Minor) and the Big Dipper (Ursa Major) constellations. Under the right night conditions, we can perceive the oodles of … Continue reading The Eye, the Light, and God’s Death

Why is There Hope Even in a World Filled with Hopelessness?

Life in a world with God is cause for joy, and even when things are broken, a hope for a better future is always in the present. On the other hand, life without God ends in despair. Once God is abandoned, hope is sure to follow. Atheist philosopher Alex Rosenburg realizes no belief results in … Continue reading Why is There Hope Even in a World Filled with Hopelessness?

Is Equality a Self-evident Truth?

July 4, 2020. Independence Day. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” These words come from the Declaration of Independence, which was adopted by the Second Continental … Continue reading Is Equality a Self-evident Truth?

What Does It Mean to Love Your Enemies?

Does anyone have an enemy? An enemy is an adversary, nemesis, opponent or hostile force. In this sinful, fallen and broken world we all inevitably come face to face with an enemy. The impulse to the hater is to return the hate. Treat them with contempt. Words like isolate, retaliate, castigate, annihilate, and desolate apply … Continue reading What Does It Mean to Love Your Enemies?