Title: Feasts, Seating, and Invitations: How to Advance God’s Way?

Jesus eats with sinners and publicans by Alexandre Bida. Two virtues that characterized the ministry of Jesus Christ were humility and unconditional love. The Lord also taught His followers to display these virtues in their own lives through the parables of taking the lower seat and inviting the least, lost, and lowly of the world in Luke … Continue reading Title: Feasts, Seating, and Invitations: How to Advance God’s Way?

Costly Christianity: Were Jesus’ Followers Homeless and Estranged?

Context determines the meaning is one of the important principles of biblical interpretation that is to be put into practice. Without proper consideration of the context, we might read Luke 9:57-62 and suppose Jesus followers were homeless and estranged. But context unveils the wrongheadedness of such an interpretation. Luke tells us that Jesus experienced rejection … Continue reading Costly Christianity: Were Jesus’ Followers Homeless and Estranged?

The Call of Levi: Why Did Jesus Eat with Sinners and Tax Collectors?

Caravaggo - The Calling of Saint Matthew Pain is our body’s way signaling injury or damage. Treatment of a severe injury calls for the attention of a good physician. Prudence pauses at the unpleasant sensation of pain to consider the problem. Imprudence ignores the symptom altogether. Luke tells of penitent tax collectors coming to grips … Continue reading The Call of Levi: Why Did Jesus Eat with Sinners and Tax Collectors?

Did Jesus Teach Us to Hate Kin and Self?

Jesus Christ said, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple” (Lk. 14:26).1 At first this saying is perplexing. How could Jesus tell us to hate? Does not this contradict everything … Continue reading Did Jesus Teach Us to Hate Kin and Self?

The Divine Conspiracy I Should Have Read About A Long Time Ago

I have to say that The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life in God (HarperOne, 1997) by the late Dallas Willard is four hundred pages of pure Christian life wisdom worth reading over and over again. The only regret is I did not read it a decade ago. Chapter by chapter, Willard brilliantly draws some … Continue reading The Divine Conspiracy I Should Have Read About A Long Time Ago