Suffering, Vindication, and Resurrection from the Book of Job

I am listening to a reading of the Book of Job. Job was a man from Uz who suffered greatly. Bandits robbed him of his property. A storm felled the house that crushed his sons and daughters to death during supper. His body became riddled with loathsome, unpleasant, and painful sores. His three friends—Eliphaz, Bildad, … Continue reading Suffering, Vindication, and Resurrection from the Book of Job

Who are the blessed? Beatitudes and Woes From Jesus

Who are the blessed? The word “blessed” generally refers to being a “privileged recipient of divine favor.” [1] Conversely, an experience of “woe” is “pain or displeasure,” so the exclamation in the midst of crisis, “alas!” [2] Well, some might suppose the blessed are those who got it made. They have money to pay the … Continue reading Who are the blessed? Beatitudes and Woes From Jesus

Easter 2020: Why We Can Still Hope in the Midst of a Pandemic?

April 12, 2020 Today is Easter. This is the day for Christians throughout the West to celebrate the glorious resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is risen. He is risen indeed! We may be absent in body but we are present together in the worship the King of kings and Lord of lords. Life … Continue reading Easter 2020: Why We Can Still Hope in the Midst of a Pandemic?