God, Love and Apologetics: Understanding God’s Love

“Robo come back!” cried Johnny Sokko, as the Giant Robo flew off into space carrying the evil emperor Guillotine. Guillotine whose body was composed of atomic energy could annihilate the entire earth just by being pierced with a single bullet, and he used this fact as leverage to subdue planet earth. Since the Giant Robo … Continue reading God, Love and Apologetics: Understanding God’s Love

Does God exist? Part 13: Debunking the Claim that Christianity Made Up Stories About Their Divine Messiah.

Jesus posed the question: “Who do people say that I am?” The disciples answered by offering the response they were hearing in conversations. “John the Baptist,” “Elijah” or another prophet (Mk. 8:27-28).1 Everyone has got a mental picture of their own sort of personal Jesus. Today there are probably more conceptions (or misconceptions) of Jesus … Continue reading Does God exist? Part 13: Debunking the Claim that Christianity Made Up Stories About Their Divine Messiah.

Does God exist? Part 12: Vindication of Jesus Christ’s Claim to Being Divine

“Actions speak louder than words.” “Talk is cheap.” “Put up or shut up.” These expressions are stinging words intended to invoke a response. They call out someone to follow up their words with action. Those who are consistent in what they say and what they do are bestowed both honor and respect. Who cares about … Continue reading Does God exist? Part 12: Vindication of Jesus Christ’s Claim to Being Divine

Does God exist? Part 10: New Testament Christians Claimed Jesus was God.

Jesus Christ is the ultimate revelation of God. Let me explain. The universe bears the indelible fingerprints an intelligent designer,1 which is why Christians rightly call it the Book of Nature. However, God is far from silent. Scriptures teach us that “long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by … Continue reading Does God exist? Part 10: New Testament Christians Claimed Jesus was God.