Two Kinds of Fear and Hell: A Study on Luke 12:4-7

Fear. All experience fear in one way of another. Fear can manifest as cowardice. Cowardice drives us to run and hide in that moment when we know well that the right thing to do is to stand firm. There are many other negative aspects to fear but this post will partly focus upon the cowardice … Continue reading Two Kinds of Fear and Hell: A Study on Luke 12:4-7

Did Jesus Teach Us to Hate Kin and Self?

Jesus Christ said, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple” (Lk. 14:26).1 At first this saying is perplexing. How could Jesus tell us to hate? Does not this contradict everything … Continue reading Did Jesus Teach Us to Hate Kin and Self?

Is There a Global War on Christians?

The question of a global war on Christians can be answered in the affirmative. Worldwide persecution of Christians is a perennial matter and the recent Sri Lanka serial bombings on Easter Sunday (April 23,2019) perpetuated by a group connected to the Islamic State serves as one example of many. A helpful resource that I came … Continue reading Is There a Global War on Christians?